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Irish Medicines Board Recalls Nurofen Plus

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The Irish Medicines Board (IMB) has today issued a wholesale recall of Nurofen Plus tablets, due to possible contamination with rogue blister strips of either Seroquel XL 50mg Tablets (a schizophrenia and depression tablet) or Neurontin 100mg Capsules (used to treat epilepsy). Patient Information Leaflets may also have been affected.

This action follows the discovery of contaminated packs of Nurofen Plus in the UK. So far the only pack size affected has been the UK only 32 pack size, but as a precaution IMB and Reckitt Benckiser (Ireland) have decided to also recall the 24 and 12 pack sizes that are available in Ireland.

As a result we could see a short term shortage of Nurofen Plus tablets in Irish pharmacies. If you discover contained packs please return them to your nearest pharmacy.

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